Each horse has its very specific strengths and weaknesses, its individual metabolism and its own rhythm to grow up and to develop its potential.
We therefore strongly beliefe in a very individualistic care program and diet for each horse as well as tailor-made solutions for ist training.
Warum up measures before and recovery measures after working sessions are for us at least as important as the training units themselves.
Biological medical methods such as homeopathy, Bach flower therapy, acupuncture, magnetic applications and osteopathy are widely used in our stables.
ARABIAN DIAMONDS - endurance elite stud (S.C.E.A.)
Château de Bellevue – 16210 Saint-Avit, Charente, France +33 (0)642 06 05 56 – contact@arabian-diamonds.com – Siret : 503 186 462 00027 – TVA : FR 385 13 44 90 74